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Tranquil ERP Services in Oman

If you haven’t yet implemented ERP for your business and are continuing to work with disparate legacy systems to handle the various business functions, you need to rethink your strategy. Your competitors are most likely already working with ERP software – and that puts you at a serious disadvantage. If they haven’t, then you need to implement it in your company and gain an edge over them as soon as possible.

Tranquil is an ERP software solution in Oman that helps your organization be efficient, profitable, and achieve your business goals. It is not just designed to work the way manufacturers and distributors run their businesses now, but the way they will in the coming future. Growth is the ultimate aim of any business, and you need to have a solid plan in place to manage and streamline your critical business functions.

Tranquil ERP provides full and real-time visibility into every business activity, along with the tools and processes to help you process your data and get actionable insights into the business. Say goodbye to siloed information with our solution that integrates every system into a single, user-friendly solution. Eliminate repetitive tasks and manual data entry, improve accuracy, and speed up data processing and handling. As one of the best ERP solutions in the market, it provides insights into the financial health of your business through a unified dashboard. Its powerful reporting capabilities help you analyse the situation and empower you to take better decisions that help improve cash flow.

Tranquil ERP solution gives you real-time insights into your business opportunities and allows you to prioritize the profitable ones while managing both vendors and customers better.

Tranquil ERP software:

  • Improves efficiency and reduces operational expenses
  • Automates and streamlines business processes
  • Helps you fulfil customer demands with personalized service
  • Facilitates inter-departmental collaboration and improves communication
  • Offers secure and authenticated access to employees 24/7 from any device


Inventory Management ERP Software

Get the tools you require to proactively manage vendor deliveries, track inventory lots or individual units, and eliminate stock obsolescence or stockouts. Streamline your process to hold optimal stocks, and configure the system to notify you when it’s time to reorder. Employ smart strategies to predict demand accurately and prepare for the upcoming months.

Finance Management Software

Track every transaction, calculate taxes, accounts payables, and receivables, handle multi-currency payments, and maintain compliance with regulations. Eliminate fraud and error, and ensure all financial transactions are processed in time.

HR and Payroll Management Software

End reliance on manual time cards, and record labour costs in real-time to get visibility into machine use, employee efficiency, and hours worked. Automate all processes related to handling employees including hiring, training, appraisals, promotions, rewards, leaves, and compensation, up to their exit.

Project Management Software

Get a bird’s eye view of production capacity, availability of employees, and machine usage, and allocate the right people and resources on the right tasks at the right time. Set deadlines, budgets, milestones, and targets for each project, broken up into jobs for easier management.

Sales and Distribution Management Software

Convert quotes into sales orders easily. Streamline sales and distribution process and avoid delays in deliveries. Deliver personalized customer services to increase sales and gain new customers.

Procurement Management Software

Make more effective decisions with precise forecasting and achieve speed and lean, procedures with automation. Lower procurement costs through smart strategies made possible by the tools offered by this module.

Asset Management Software

Assets are extremely valuable and they need to be maintained properly to extend their working life and ensure proper functioning. This module helps to record all assets and monitor their condition; it automates maintenance schedule, lowering costs.